Posted by: 14yonaminej | May 13, 2011

Interactive Website


Out of all the feedback we got from the testers of our site, we found that the site was very efficient, easily used, and informative. It was also interactive, the quizes, videos, and rollover menus added to this aspect in which the user will be interested in the website. Music boxes on the bottom of the screen challenges the user to listen and find who the artist is and which songs are playing. More feedback we got had to do with the color scheme. All of our testers said that the color scheme adds to the theme creating a relaxing and calm effect. Also, the music adds to the surfing theme.

Some of the negative feedback consisted of having too much text on some pages. Under the “surfspots” Page, people noticed that there was a lot of text. So we narrowed it down a little bit. We took out surf spots from all over the united states and narrowed it down to only Hawaii. This gave a smaller index, but an easier way to find spots.

Posted by: 14yonaminej | March 11, 2011

Website Re-design Project

I found the webpage titled Whiteface Dartmoor Sheep Assosiation and found that it lacked some of the principles that are neccesary for it to be an interesting webpage. After a lot of thought and editing, I re-designed the website from the original to a new, more interesting page. The new webpage supports the purpose of the site with an actual picture of what they are supporting, rather than having photos irrelevant to their cause. I kept their original colors, and added photos that match the topics of the text below it.

I used all the C.R.A.P. principles in the new website. I evenly spaced the photos and text, Used good colors that go well together, There is repitition with the photos as well, and everything is alligned



Posted by: 14yonaminej | February 22, 2011

Hosting Service E-mail

Mr. Bartlett,

Thank you for taking the time to watch our presentation. We hope that the ideas on the presentation gave you lots of helpful advice that may help your website to become bigger, and more succesful. In our presentation we explained that you needed a better e-commerce system, along with a better web hosting service. Out of all the hosting service options that we looked at, we narrowed it down to the four top choices, which are Ipage, Fat Cow, Host Clear, Just Host, and Host Clear. All of these hosting services offer free bandwitch and domain along with great e-commerce. The rating for each hosting service is high for both e-commerce and web hosting. But the hosting service with the greatest scores in both e-commerce and web hosting was Just Host. With a 97% in web hosting reviews, and 98% in e-commerce review, this would be your best option. Just Host is also very cheap, at a little over four dollars you’ll be saving tons of money, and will have a more interesting web page that will make you tons of money in the future. E-commerce is easy to access, and the web hosting is very pleasing to look at and simple. Thank you for your time, we hope this presentation helped.

-John Yonamine

Posted by: 14yonaminej | February 10, 2011

Hosting Service

1.) Does you home have internet access?


2.) ISP’s actually provide

It’s what turns on the internet

3.) What do they promise/guarantee

Fast internet access

4.) What does that mean?

That the internet access will not fail

5.) What happens if it fails/

The internet crashes

Posted by: 14yonaminej | February 4, 2011

HTML Challenge

Our finished product meets the requirements with a photo of our location and also a second page describing what to bring in order to save us. The fact that we added color and a second page shows knowledge of htmls, and we followed the rubric as well. The html is of good quality, it looks a little bit plain because it lacks a lot of text, but it met the requirements.

My partner and I worked well, but i feel like my partner, Joey, did most of the work. I helped out, but she did the majority of the work. She was the leader of the group. When we came across problems, joey would try to find a solution while I would try to push through it because of my impatience.

Overall we did a great job on our HTML the finished product is good. The code was our biggest challenge, but in the end we finished it off.

Posted by: 14yonaminej | February 2, 2011


The world wide web is to the internet, as The United States of America is to the world.

Posted by: 14yonaminej | January 25, 2011

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!
